• Sintetizando a pesquisa sobre Economia Circular através do uso de mapas conceituais 

      BACOVIS, Marcia Maria C. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-01-21)
      O modelo atual de economia conhecido como Linear é um modelo cada vez mais insustentável. Em contrapartida, um novo modelo econômico vem ganhando força, impulsionando o mundo para um novo estágio de desenvolvimento. ...
    • Sistema de indicadores para la sostenibilidad en comunidades rurales del Ecuador en el marco de la Agenda 21 Local 

      MÁRQUEZ ORTIZ, Luis Enrique; VASALLO VILLALONGA, Yoarnelys; CUÉTARA SÁNCHEZ, Leonardo Manuel; SABLÓN COSSÍO, Neyfe (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-06-03)
      La estrategia de desarrollo local surge a partir del requerimiento de potenciar las capacidades de un territorio determinado, lo que permite el cumplimiento de los objetivos nacionales de desarrollo, la exigencia de ...
    • Sistemas adaptativos complejos como alternativa de la gestión humana en las universidades ecuatorianas 

      Meza, Josueth; Abreu, Omar; Rhea, Bertha.; Acuña, Gustavo, J. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-08-30)
      Este artículo es resultado de una investigación desarrollada por un equipo multidisciplinario integrado por profesionales de tres instituciones educativas de Ecuador. Se refiere a los sistemas adaptativos complejos ...
    • Síndrome de Burnout en trabajadores de empresas del sector comercio en la ciudad de Maracaibo, Venezuela 

      Raspa, Pasquale; López, Danny D.; Moya, Fabio O. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A., 2019-12-20)
      El artículo tiene como propósito analizar el Síndrome de Burnout en la masa trabajadora de las empresas del sector comercial de la ciudad de Maracaibo. La investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, con un diseño no experimental, ...
    • Small business development in Russia: results of the assessment of sectoral structure and number of employees 

      PINKOVTSKAIA, Iuliia S.; BALYNIN, Igor; ARBELAEZ CAMPILLO, Diego F.; ROJAS BAHAMON, Magda J. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-04)
      The article presents the results of the assessment of changes in the sectoral structure and number of employees of small enterprises in the Russia. Authors have developed models that describe the distribution by regions ...
    • Social and economic causes of labor migration in contemporary Russia 

      Pronchev, Gennadi B.; Lyubimov, Aleksei P.; Proncheva, Nadezhda G.; Tretiakova, Irina V. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-09-23)
      The paper deals with studying labor migration in Russia within the context of motivation causes of the population's migration. Labor migration has been analyzed according to age-related, gender, and sociocultural ...
    • Social and Psychological Factors of Migration Readiness of Ukrainian Students 

      Blynova, Olena Ye.; Popovych, Ihor S.; Bokshan, Halyna I.; Tsіlmak, Olena M; Zavatska, Nataliia Ye (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A., 2019-10-21)
      The paper examines the problem of social and psychological factors of labor migration of Ukrainian citizens. It was determined that the students are guided by higher salaries and wages abroad and new experience, in ...
    • Social inequality and poverty as a challenge to the development of human potential of the national economy 

      Kormishkina, Ludmila A.; Kormishkin, Evgenii D; Koloskov, Dmitrii A; Ivanova, Irina A.; Kormishkin, Aleksander E. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A., 2019-10-14)
      This article explores the influence of social inequality and poverty on the development and realization of human potential in post-Soviet Russia. The authors conducted regression analysis to identify the dependence of ...
    • Social perception on corruption and its influence on public legitimacy and open government (Indonesia) 

      FURQAN, Andi Chairil; DIN, Muhammad (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-22)
      This study attempts to analyze the extent of the effect of audit findings and transparency on corruption perception index in local government in Indonesia based on legitimacy theory. This study uses STATA-12 and Ordinary ...
    • Social pertinence of a doctorate in administration under the guidelines of the PNPC 

      Lámbarry Vilchis, Fernando; Trujillo Flores, Mara Maricela; Silva Rodríguez de San Miguel, Jorge Alejandro (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-29)
      The objective of this research, of a descriptive type, of documentary analysis and field study is to analyze the social pertinence of a new Doctorate in Administrative Sciences in Mexico according to the National ...
    • Social responsible practices in Portuguese SME’s 

      FERREIRA, Pedro; GABRIEL, Carla (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-04)
      This research examines what social responsible practices Portuguese SME implements, identifying different company profiles. Data collection was based on a questionnaire. The cluster analysis revealed four groups of ...
    • Sociocultural interaction of a university and the creative leisure industry businesses in the system of personnel training for educational and cultural institutions 

      SERGEYEVA, Valentina; MEDVED, Eleonora; GRIBKOVA, Galina; KISELYOVA, Olga; LEVINA, Irina; MILKEVICH, Oksana; PITENKO, Svetlana (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)
      The article presents the results of theoretical analysis and interpretation of the categories “sociocultural interaction” and “system of innovative personnel training”. The purpose of the research is theoretical underpinning ...
    • Software de apoyo y seguimiento a planes de marketing: Una revisión sistemática 

      PUELLO, Plinio; HERRERA, Katiusca; MOUTHÓN, Paola (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-02-04)
      En este estudio se muestra la revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre temática relacionada a la creación de planes de marketing y al uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información aplicadas a la educación ...
    • Spatial inequality and health of russian population 

      KURBANOV, Artemiy R.; LIADOVA, Anna V.; VERSHININA, Inna A. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The article deals with the relationship between industrialization and urbanization and their impact on the quality of life in cities. The growth of most modern cities was associated with the industrial stage in ...
    • The specifics of the economic activity of modern russian corporations 

      GNEVASHEVA, Vera A. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-02-04)
      The article discusses the results of economic reforms in Russia, the terms "corporation", "corporate governance", and the formation of a notion of a management system as one of the ways of effective management and ...
    • Staff satisfaction with the training system at the stage of identity 

      Vinichenko, M.V.; Li, N.P.; Melnichuk, A.V.; Сhulanova, O.L.; Borisenko, N.S. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES, 2021, C.A., 2019-10-07)
      The article deals with the issues of improving the staff training system of organizations based on the analysis of employee satisfaction with this system at the stage of identity. The authors have first formulated the ...
    • State evaluation procedure of management cycles in management processes reengineering at an enterprise 

      Gamidullaev, Bukar N.; Dokholyan, Sergey V; Gamidullaev, Rami B.; Sultanov, Garun S.; Surakatov, Nurmagomed S. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-08-26)
      The relevance of research problem is determined with the need to develop a fundamentally new integrated state evaluation procedure of management cycles as main components of management processes reengineering at the ...
    • State of the exchange rate risk management in SME´s: Case Sincelejo - Colombia 

      ROMERO Alvarez, Yaneth Patricia; PEREZ Perez, Mario Frank; NIEBLES Nuñez, William Alejandro (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-01-28)
      The sector of SME plays an important role in emerging economies and their internationalization allows them to generate competitiveness; however, this involves exposing their balance sheets to the risks inherent in the ...
    • Strategic management of small innovative enterprises at russian universities: History, experience, current state, and prospects 

      GOSTEV, Aleksandr N.; TURKO, Tamara I.; PETROVA, Olga V.; RODIONOVA, Galina G.; ANDREEV, Yurii N.; LUKASHEVA, Nataliya A. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-04-13)
      The aim of the article is to present the results of sociological research into the experience and prospects of strategic management of small innovative enterprises at Russian higher education institutions. The article ...
    • Strategic thinking in high performance teams in public universities 

      NIEBLES, William Alejandro; ROMERO Alvarez, Yaneth Patricia; HOYOS Babilonia, Lorena (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-01-21)
      The purpose of this research was to analyze strategic thinking in high performance teams in public universities. The methodological framework was subscribed as a correlational descriptive investigation of non-experimental ...