Envíos recientes
Análisis de la eficiencia global de las 50 mejores universidades del mundo
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)Este artículo tiene como objetivo la realización de un análisis de eficiencia global aplicado a las 50 mejores universidades del mundo, utilizando para ello el análisis envolvente de datos (DEA). Se ha trabajado con un ... -
Formação e qualificação de profissionais da área da saúde. Um estudo de caso do convênio firmado entre duas instituições federais
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)A finalidade deste trabalho é demonstrar os objetivos, os resultados e a eficácia do convênio firmado entre o Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e o Grupo Hospitalar Conceição que, utilizando suas competências ... -
Problems of internationalization of legal education
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)The purpose of the research is to reveal the main problems of the internationalization of legal education and determine solutions. The authors use comparative, legal and historical legal methods. The article covers the ... -
Diseño de un cuestionario exploratorio para conocer las representaciones sociales acerca de la inmigración de los estudiantes de secundaria
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)El presente artículo pretende contextualizar el diseño de un instrumento de investigación exploratorio, que constituye la primera aproximación al objeto de estudio. En un contexto mundial de tendencias globalizadoras ... -
La satisfacción laboral y los valores del gerente de aula en las etapas I y II de Educación Básica
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)El objetivo del presente trabajo es relacionar los niveles de satisfacción laboral y los valores del gerente de aula en las Etapas I y II de la Educación Básica del Municipio Jesús Enrique Lossada. Como base teórica, ... -
Managing of mathematics education with synergistic effects
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)In this paper we examine the management processes of secondary school mathematics education (subjectoriented classes) with a synergistic effects based on the identification and study of “problem areas” of mathematics ... -
Percepción de la calidad de eventos académicos para la promoción de facultades y carreras: una propuesta instrumental
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)Con el objetivo de identificar las áreas de oportunidad en eventos de promoción de facultades y carreras, se realizó el proceso de diseño y validación de dos instrumentos para evaluar la percepción de bachilleres en ... -
Concepciones metateóricas de profesores de química y su revisión en un itinerario de formación y reflexión
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)Se interpretan las concepciones metateóricas de profesores de química explicadas y revisadas durante la sesión inicial de un Itinerario de Formación fundamentado en la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y Tecnología (NdCyT). En ... -
Forming independent cognitive activities in schoolers of humanities classes in the study of mathematics
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)The article deals with the formation of independent cognitive activities in humanities students while studying mathematics at a basic level. A questionnaire survey, discussion, logical and didactic analysis of the ... -
The role of the university educational environment in the development of student ´s awareness of a healthy lifestyle
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)The state requires educational institutions to promote a healthy lifestyle among children and students, and the importance of this task determines the relevance of the research. In this article the authors indentified ... -
Education system features in the Arctic Economic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation: An expert assessment
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-04-25)The assessment allowed for a more accurate description of the current situation in the education system of the Arctic Economic Zone, for identification of challenges and emerging trends, as well as of territorial ... -
Prospects for the development of vocational secondary education in the conditions of the Far North (Republic ofSakha-Yakutia)
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-04-25)The article analyses the activities, identifies the main trends, and forecasts the development of the Vocational Secondary Education (VSE) System in the Far North. The study identifies the leading indicators for assessing ... -
Current trends in digital education development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)The research was based on the observation of the future teachers training process dynamics, pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics methods. Bachelor and Master’s Degree students of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern ... -
Artificial intelligence - The space for the new possibilities to train teachers
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)The relevance of the study is due to the need for practical and dynamic training of teachers of the Russian Federation to work in the electronic information and educational environment (EIEE), which is continuously and ... -
Formation of tolerance in multicultural educational environment
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)One of the main problems of modern Russian society is its instability in terms of intercultural and interethnic relations. In this instability, tolerant relations between individual ethnic groups are violated. In this ... -
Higher education as a significant factor of Uzbekistan’s sustainable development
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)On the basis of scientific analysis and critical assessment of the state of higher education, the authors consider the most relevant trends in its development as a significant factor in training competitive specialists ... -
Enhancing reflection activity as a condition for the effective development of students’ humanitarian culture in the process of learning a foreign language
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)Teaching a foreign language can be an effective means of students’ personal social and humanitarian development. However, the existing system of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions does not fully ... -
Subject position in learning activities as a component of school readiness in senior preschool children
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)This study identifies the factors that affect the learning activity subject position of senior preschoolers. A learnercentered or differential training technology for forming the senior preschoolers’ subject position ... -
Evaluation of Professional Education in Western Yakutia
(Evaluación de la educación profesional en Yakutia occidental, 2019-03-25)The object of this study was to review and evaluate the state of professional education in Western Yakutia. Methods included analyzing survey data for the current condition of professional educational institutions. ... -
High level of legal awareness formation in medical students. Way from competencies to competence
(Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-25)In modern world many politicians, lawyers, scientists and representatives of civil society are concerned about the matter of elaborating the human rights and freedoms protection mechanisms, and therefore the matter of a ...