Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30

    • Approaches to the improvement of tax auditing for operations with intellectual property in the Russian Federation 

      PONOMAREVA, Nadezhda; ZVEREVA, Anna; GOLUBTSOVA, Ekaterina; NOVIKOVA, Ekaterina; MAXIMOV, Denis (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      This research paper investigates schemes that facilitate the illegal decrease of taxes through international deals with intangible assets, and its dissemination in Russia on the basis of statistical data. Findings ...
    • Reconceptualization of the concept of digital literacy as a theoretical and methodological background for its study 

      SAVINA., Anna G; MALYAVKINA, Lyudmila I.; ZIMINA, Larisa V.; MUZALEVSKAYA, Alla A.; SERGEEVA, Inna I.; SMAGINA, Irina V. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      Digital literacy is the key indicator of safe and effective use of the advanced achievements in the sphere of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the population and its readiness to the integration into ...
    • Creative potential of the human capital as the key resource of development of the techogenic civilization 

      BELENKOVA, Oksana A.; VANCHUKHINA, Lyubov I; LEIBERT, Tatyana B. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      In this paper, on the basis of complex socio-cultural methodology, the laws of development of the creative potential of a subject side of the productive forces in the situation of formation and development technogenic ...
    • Herramientas de contabilidad gerencial en la toma de decisiones: Un análisis en el sector comercial 

      QUINTERO QUINTERO, Wilder; NAVARRO CLARO, Genny Torcoroma; ARÉVALO ASCANIO, José Gregorio (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      La presente investigación se enfocó en la caracterización de procesos contables que desarrollan las empresas del sector comercial de la ciudad de Ocaña Colombia, abordando aspectos como soportes contables y la elaboración ...
    • Image of Science in Social and Political Mass Media of Russia 

      DOLGOVA, Natalia V.; OREKHOVA, Yelena Yu.; BADELINA, Mariya V. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The article deals with the current problems of the formation of the image of science in Russia, the creation of which is the result of the efforts of scientists, the media and the state. The authors prove the interest ...
    • Rating de empresas a partir de datos financieros 

      CARIDAD Y LÓPEZ DEL RÍO, Lorena; NÚÑEZ TABALES, Julia M.; GARCÍA-MORENO, María B.; SEDA, Petr.; CARIDAD Y OCERIN, José M. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      Los ratings de las principales empresas calificadoras son la base de las emisiones de activos financieros para proporcionar información a los inversores sobre el riesgo implícito en las operaciones de crédito de estas ...
    • Modelling the management system of the social sphere development in the context of financing for social investments 

      ARTEMOV, Vladimir A.; KONOREV, Alexander M. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The authors of the article offer a special model to evaluate how financing of the investment processes can influence the results of the social sphere development. It is shown that closeness of the connections between ...
    • The implementation of the fiscal and incentive potentials for regional taxes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 

      MUSAEVA, Khaibat; MIRZABALAEVA, Farida; MIRGOROD, Ekatеrina; ALIEVA, Patimat; KERIMOVA, Zaira (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The key objective of the study was to analyze the implementation issues related to the fiscal and regulatory potentials for regional taxes in the context of the development of taxation in federalism in the constituent ...
    • Fundamental analysis Peruvian non listed company - Real Pharma 

      LIZARZABURU, Edmundo R.; NORIEGA, Eduardo; OSTOS, Jhony; BERGGRUM, Luis (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The present case study seeks to guide the potential investor through the process of analyzing the financial situation of a company to be able to make an adequate deal for an acquisition or invest. The case intends ...
    • Methodical features for substantiating the directions and evaluations of the effectiveness of innovative development in meat cattle breeding of the region 

      BERSHITSKIY, Yuriy Iosifovich; SAFONOVA, Margarita Fridrikhovna; SAYFETDINOV, Aleksandr Rafailovich (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      A method of substantiating areas and assessing the economic efficiency of the innovative development of the region's meat cattle breeding, based on the construction and analysis of boundary production functions and ...
    • Economic-mathematical modeling of optimal level costs in the greenhouse vegetables in Uzbekistan 

      DURMANOV, Akmal Shaimardanovich; TILLAEV, Alisher Xasanovich; ISMAYILOVA, Suluxan Sarsenbayevna; DJAMALOVA, Xulkar Sayorovna; MURODOV, Sherzodbek Murodogli (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-05-31)
      This article proposes a model for agricultural production optimization, which will allow enterprises to increase their production profitability, built on a number of restrictions. This research is based on the actual ...
    • Challenges and prospects for the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia 

      KONIAGINA, Mariia N.; BUGA, Alexander V.; KIRILLOVA, Alena V; MANUYLENKO, Viktoriya V.; SAFONOV, Gregoriy B. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The relevance of the problem concerning the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia considered in the article is determined by the increasing social difficulties that the state cannot tackle. The standard of ...
    • Development of hybrid models and a system for forecasting the indicators of the russian economy 

      KITOVA, Olga; SAVINOVA, Victoria; DYAKONOVA, Ludmila; KITOV, Victor (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      Scenario forecasting of social and economic indicators is highly important for strategic planning of the country's economic development. In this regard, it is very important to build a forecasting system for a model ...
    • Tests for sectorial market efficiency of the dynamics in Moscow Exchange 

      ALEXAKIS, Christos; IGNATOVA, Tatiana; POLYANIN, Andrei (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of short run dynamics among sectorial stock markets of the Moscow Exchange (MOEX). “Causality” tests provide a statistical framework of testing the extent of ...
    • New professions emerging out of the development of robotics 

      MAIMINA, Elvira; PUZYNYA, Tatiana; GRISHINA, Tatiana; PSAREVA, Nasezhda; STYTSYUK, Rita (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The relevance is determined by the issues arising with the development of the modern labour market, caused by the rapid introduction of robotics into all spheres of the economic life of society. The primary objective ...
    • Estimating the Prime Cost of Information Products 

      LIMAREV, Pavel V.; LIMAREVA, Yulia A.; SHKURKO, Natalja S.; SLOZHENIKINA, N.S.; EREKLINTSEVA, E.V.; GAFUROVA, Vasilya M. (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      Nowadays, information is one of the main products in all markets, from local to global ones. However, there is still no consistent theory that would take into account the specifics of the information product as a commodity ...
    • New challenges and priorities of the labor market development in Uzbekistan 

      ABDURAKHMANOV, Kalandar Khodzhaevich; ZOKIROVA, Nodira Kalandarovna (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The article presents an analysis of the labor market development trends and features in Uzbekistan. Particular attention is paid to its priority areas of development in connection with the changing global trends in ...
    • Obstacles limiting economic empowerment of youth in the arabic region 

      ALKHAZALEH, Rasmi Mezher Ali (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      The empowerment of young people for entering the labor market and participate in the economic life is one of the urgent priorities that tops the list of agendas on developed countries. It has risen as a mechanism to ...
    • Evaluación de un sistema de gestión para la seguridad y salud ocupacional en una industria láctea de la provincia de Chimborazo - Ecuador 

      VILLACRÉS, Edison P.; VILLACRÉS, Dennys P.; RADICELLI, Ciro, D.; SAMANIEGO, Nicolay (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      En Ecuador existen altos índices de accidentabilidad y de enfermedades laborales, por lo que se necesita implementar sistemas de gestión en seguridad y salud ocupacional. Este artículo refleja el resultado de ...
    • Carencias y limitaciones que afectan al asentamiento de la realidad virtual como tecnología de referencia en la sociedad actual 

      SÁNCHEZ-CABRERO, Roberto; NOVILLO-LÓPEZ, Miguel A.; ARIGITA-GARCÍA, Amaya; COSTA-ROMÁN, Óscar; BARRIENTOS-FERNÁNDEZ, Amelia; PERICACHO-GÓMEZ, Francisco (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 2019-03-31)
      117 usuarios de realidad virtual describen cuáles son las principales carencias y limitaciones de los visores de realidad virtual actuales para que la realidad virtual logre asentarse como tecnología de referencia. Se ...