• Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union: Problems and prospects of interregional cooperation 

      Fardeeva, I.N.; Shakirova, I.A.; Mukhametgalieva, S.Kh.; Peteraitis, Sergey Kh. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-05-15)
      Integration processes in the European and Eurasian regions play an important role in the modern system of international relations. They affect not only the possibilities of the states participating in integration projects ...
    • Quality of life and well-being of russians citizens: A comparative analysis 

      Averin, Yury P.; Sushko, Valentina A. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-06-15)
      The purpose of this work is to show the state of the perceived quality of life of the Russian population in the first decade of the XXI century. Based on the proposed integrated life quality research model, empirical ...
    • Análisis económico de la eliminación del subsidio de la gasolina súper en el Ecuador 

      Espinoza, Diego J.; Viteri, Carlos J. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-06-15)
      El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es el de determinar la importancia de los subsidios para la economía nacional por lo que el propósito principal del trabajo es realizar un análisis económico de ...
    • Assessment of the Economic Functions of Remittances on the Example of the Republic of Tajikistan 

      Sultanova, Muslima K.; Allakhverdiyeva, Leyla Madat K.; Sultanova, Shakhnoza S.; Alimova, Maria V. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-06-15)
      In a majority of developing countries, remittances from labor migrants, being an influential development factor, represent the source of external financing of households and the flow of foreign exchange. Additionally, ...
    • The impact of e-commerce in supply chain management on permanent establishment concept 

      Ahmed, Adel; Elkhatib, Sobhy (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-06-15)
      Information and communications technology (ICT) in supply chain management has enabled corporations to use offshore facilities for outsourcing commercial activities. This has expanded service trade significantly but ...
    • Feasibility analysis for the implementation of Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) business in Ecuador 

      Coronel, Carlos; Martínez-Gómez, Javier; Delgado-Yánez, Mónica; Rodriguez, Francisco (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The Ecuadorian Government is promoting several policies in order to boost energy savings, among which the National Plan for Energy Efficiency (P.L.A.N.E.E.) stands out. The initiative fosters the development of Energy ...
    • Efecto de la inversión de I+D en el valor de mercado de las empresas de tecnología 

      Juarez Rodriguez, Oscar O.; Arango Herrera, Eduardo; De La Cruz Maldonado, Juan C. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      La presente investigación analizar el efecto que mantienen la inversión en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) sobre el valor de la empresa en el mercado. Los datos fueron recabados a partir de fuentes secundarias de 436 ...
    • The influence of the integration level of the production and logistics cluster participants on its efficiency upon implementing import substitution program 

      Khairova, S.M.; Karpov, V.V.; Kovalev, V.A.; Khairov, B.G. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of cluster models allowed for determining the principles of integration of their participants. The principles of consistency and parity shall be the ...
    • Consumo ecológico: estudio exploratorio sobre el comportamiento de mujeres en Colombia 

      Marroquin Ciendúa, Fernando; Palacios Chavarro, Janneth Arley; Sandoval Escobar, Marithza Cecilia; Sierra Puentes, Myriam Carmenza (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de las actitudes, opiniones y conductas ecológicas proambientales desde la perspectiva de la Teoría de Foco Normativo. Esta investigación cualitativa y de tipo exploratorio ...
    • Digital Business as a Driver of Economic Growth in Russia 

      Nosova, Svetlana S.; Kolodnyaya, Galina V.; Bondarev, Sergei A.; Verigo, Sergey A.; Kudryashov, Andrey B. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      This paper provides an insight into the subject matter of the digital economy and digital business as key factors for growth within Russia’s industrial sector and its national economy as a whole. The authors describe some ...
    • Connection of vertical integration of companies with competitiveness of the national economy 

      Verkhohliadova, Natalia; Levchynskyi, Dmytro; Kashyrnikova, Iryna (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The Article is devoted to studying the essence of integration as a complex phenomenon and identifying the influence of one of them, namely vertical integration, on competitiveness of the national economy, depending on ...
    • Grupo Semiautónomo (GSA) e qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) numa empresa portuguesa 

      Carvalho, Ana D.; Loureiro, Afonso C.; Matos, Fátima N.; Mesquita, Rafael F.; Machado, Diego Q. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      Um Grupo SemiAutónomo tem uma estrutura que pode afetar o comportamento dos seus colaboradores. Neste estudo qualitativo, realizamos a avaliação da Qualidade de Vida no trabalho de colaboradores de uma pequena empresa ...
    • Intercambio de conocimiento, motivación intrínseca y congruencia de valores en instituciones microfinancieras 

      Contreras-Pacheco, Orlando E.; Lesmez-Peralta, Juan C.; Vecino-Arenas, Carlos E. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      Enmarcado en el contexto de las instituciones microfinancieras en Colombia, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito evaluar la forma en que la motivación intrínseca impacta los procesos de recepción y entrega de ...
    • Municipal procurement in Ulyanovsk region: participation of small enterprises 

      Pinkovtskaia, Iuliia S.; Arbelaez Encarnacion, Tanya F.; Rojas Bahamon, Magda J.; Arbelaez Campillo, Diego F. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The article gives the analysis of the level of participation of small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs in the contracts for municipalities of Ulyanovsk region. It gives the methodical approach and develops the ...
    • Interaction model of economic and institutional cycles in the development dynamics of national economies 

      Vishnever, Vadim Y.; Khansevyarov, Rustam I.; Savinova, Valentina A.; Sorokina, Marina G.; Mikhailov, Alexander M. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The objective is to build an interaction model of economic and institutional cycles in the dynamics of development of national economies. Basing upon the analysis of the cost indicators, an interaction model of economic ...
    • Practices of knowledge management in health organizations 

      Dorow, Patrícia F.; Da Silva, Charlene; Huhn, Andrea; Borges, Laurete M.; Da Nóbrega, Juliana F.; Andrade, Marco A. B.; Machado, Carolina N.; Do Prado, Rosane A.; Ribeiro, Gerusa (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The aim of this article was to identify knowledge management practices in health organizations. Three different studies were conducted with 43 professionals through interviews. Only the practices of knowledge management ...
    • Economic evaluation of winter rye cultivation technology 

      Kargin, Vasily I.; Zaharkina, Regina A.; Danilin, Sergey I.; Geraskin, Mikhail M.; Erofeev, Aleksandr A. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      As a consequence of the conducted study, it was revealed that the grain yield of winter rye as affected by mineral fertilizers had increased by 23.1-34.6%. When applying low doses of nitrogen fertilizers, higher effectiveness ...
    • Time to collect stones: problems and prospects for the fur farming industry in Russia 

      Khusainova, Natalya; Vorozheykina, Tatyana (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      The fur industry is currently in a crisis, one of the main reasons for which is the free access of imported fur products and skins to the Russian market. At the same time, Russian farming is also influenced by the general ...
    • Verificación de la Conformidad de un Modelo de Referencia de Procesos de Gestión de Conocimiento con los Requisitos del Estándar ISO/IEC 15504 

      Galvis-Lista, Ernesto A.; González-Zabala, Mayda P.; Sánchez-Torres, Jenny M. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      Este artículo presenta la verificación de la conformidad de la estructura de un modelo de referencia de procesos de gestión de conocimiento para organizaciones desarrolladoras de software, en relación con el estándar ...
    • ¿Cómo se diferencian las marcas de snacks? Un análisis intergeneracional del valor de marca 

      Barbery-Montoya, Danny C.; Lopez-Navarro, Juan J.; Cantos-Brunes, Lourdes L.; Carrera-Buri, Félix M. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2019-07-15)
      Las diferencias generacionales pueden brindar una percepción distinta del valor de marca en productos poco diferenciados como son los snacks, por lo que el presente estudio tiene como objetivo comprender características ...