Mostrando ítems 21-28 de 28

    • Mortgage lending system of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine 

      SAKHNO, Andrii A.; POLISHCHUK, Nataliia V.; SALKOVA, Iryna Yu; KUCHER, Lesia Yu; KUDYRKO, Olena M. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      This paper investigates the necessity of forming an agricultural mortgage lending system, which revealed the increase in the volume of products sold with the increase of short-term loans, which prevail in agricultural ...
    • Sistema de recuperación de información apoyado en Web Semántica 

      JARAMILLO-VALBUENA, Sonia; DUQUE- ARANGO, John J.; PULGARÍN-GIRALDO, Róbinson (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      Un sistema de recuperación de información permite presentar información relevante al usuario dando respuesta a una consulta. Diferentes elementos pueden ser seleccionados luego de la misma, siendo un ranking el que ...
    • Análisis de los protocolos RCDP y TCP en redes vehiculares utilizando AODV y DYMO 

      VÁSCONEZ, Vanessa A.; CALAFATE, Carlos T.; BUÑAY, Pamela A.; NARVÁEZ, Miryan E. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      El Protocolo RCDP, una novedosa solución altamente eficiente para entornos caracterizados por retrasos elevados y altos niveles de pérdidas de paquetes. El objetivo principal es la implementación y evaluación del ...
    • Knowledge Society: Essence, Conceptual Models, and Potential for Implementation 

      SAGIKYZY, Ayazhan; UYZBAYEVA, Anar; AKHMETOVA, Gaukhar; KOZHAMZHAROVA, Maira; AUBAKIROVA, Saltanat (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      This article examines the concept of knowledge society by comparing it to information and postindustrial societies. Despite the similarity of characteristics, these concepts are different and they contain distinctive ...
    • Diagnosis of the impact of state financial support on the functioning of the agricultural sector in Ukraine 

      VANKOVYCH, Danylo V.; KULCHYTSKYY, Myroslav I.; ZAMASLO, Olha T.; BOICHUK, Ruslan M. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      The main objective of the present research was to identify patterns between state regulatory measures of aggregate support for the agricultural sector of Ukraine and its development, using the tools of economic ...
    • Accounting information systems as a critical success factor for increased quality of accounting information 

      MEIRYANI; SUZAN, Leny; TSUDRAJAT, Jajat; DAUD, Zaidi Mat (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      Accounting information systems within the company add value to the company, such as accurate and timely information so as to perform key activities in value chain effectively and efficiently, improve quality and improve ...
    • Herramienta de Gestión-Cuadro de Mando Integral ajustado a las particularidades de ONGS privadas- Caso Obra Social Sopeña Oscus- Ecuador 

      OYAQUE Mora, Silvia Melida; SANTAMARIA Freire, Edwin Javier; LÓPEZ Miller, Zoila Esperanza (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      En la investigación se desarrolló una herramienta de gestión - Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI), cuyo aporte científico radica en que la misma se ajusta a las necesidades y particularidades de las organizaciones sociales ...
    • Features of management of objects of protected areas of the Tyumen region 

      BOGDANOVA, Olga V.; CHERNYKH, Elena G.; KRYAKHTUNOV, Alexander V. (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2020-04-30)
      Tyumen region is a complex subject of the Russian Federation. Management of specially protected natural areas in this region has a number of features. In this article the example of legal contradiction and complexity ...